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Moya Oyincwele

Moya Oyincwele is a personal prayer asking the Holy Spirit to come and take full control over my life. As Galatians 5:25 says, the Spirit is a promised friend who is going to reveal, revive and remind us of everything that we should know about what the perfect will of God for our lives is.

Ke Utla Lerato

Ke Utla Lerato is a Sotho hymn perfectly written which expresses the unconditional love of God by acknowledging the undying love shown on the cross. How He demonstrated his unchanging commitment to humanity and close by reprise of God as a fountain that will forever flow his love and grace. John 3:16

I Yesu Murhandziwa

This one is an original composition of my idea of a loving God who is ever present in one’s life. It speaks of a God who lives forever and cannot be surprised by man who he created. His love for me has won my heart because it is by faith that I believe He lives and will never change even when people do. John 13

Ku Kotisa Mhalamhala

As the deer longs for a stream of cool water, so I long for the presence of the Lord.  Psalm 42:11 Why am I sad? Why am I troubled? Why are you in despair? Why have you become restless? Hope in God and wait expectedly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him. He is the help of my Constance and my GOD

 We Wedwa/Ufanelwe

This composition is originally done by Alvin Slaughter that was created in an age where people were playing God in others’ lives. It is a reminder to ourselves that only God deserves the glory and honour. “But only with Him are perfect wisdom and might; He has true counsel and understanding.” (Job 12:13) “He alone is my rock and salvation; my defence and strong tower; I will not be shaken or disheartened.” (Psalms 62:2)

Yesu Ribye

Psalm 61:2 when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. When we feel discouraged and wary in our Christian journey, we look at Jesus as our strength and hide in his love. Always remembering that our call is bigger than us as individuals.

Miyela Mbilu Yanga

I have fond memories of my mom singing this song when I was growing up in my native village. Now that I am older it makes sense, one can be quiet while the heart is not and so the song simply says, ‘be at peace my heart – all will be well’. In Luke 24:38 it is asked “why are you troubled, and why are doubts rising in your hearts?” because all things work together for our good.


Kumbulukholo Lwakho

Let us always remember that the Gospel is a message of Love, Empowerment and Individual realisation of each of our purpose in God. “Keep and follow the pattern of sound doctrine which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1: 13 AMP & 2:1-8)

Ha Khensa

This is a simple victory chant of thanks-giving inspired by Psalms 136:26 where we give thanks to the God of heaven for His love, gracious mercy and compassion which endure forever.


After many disappointments and pain that I have gone through by trusting in people; I have finally gotten a revelation that we are not meant to trust in people nor are we meant to depend on our own understanding. I have taken a decision to never to put my trust in anyone but Jesus understanding that people are flawed and grand expectations are definite recipes for disappointment.

Arise and shine

The season has come to rise from depression to greater heights, with all the glory, splendour and brilliance in the Lord (Isaiah 60). The prophet Jeremiah in his 18thchapter writes “arise, go to the potter’s house and there I will cause you to hear my words”

As the deer

The desire for God’s presence in my life comes from seeing personal mountains be moved. What I used to perceive as failures have become re-direction even when it has seemed like I will not make it or my plans and dreams are not valid. The presence of the Lord gives me peace and His Joy is my strength. There is nothing like His presence in life and the hunger is perfectly expressed in David’s Psalm 42.